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Meet Our Governors

St Elizabeth's Governors work very closely with our school and have the children's best interests at heart.  The main Governing Body meets at least three times a year.  We hope that any issues you may have can be dealt with by the Headteacher.

However, if you would like to contact one of the Governors, please email either: marked for the attention of 'Clerk to the Governors' or contact our Chair of Governors directly via email

Membership of our Governing Body

  • Mr A Mason - Foundation Governor and Chair of the Governing Body
  • Mrs L Fahy - Foundation Governor and Vice Chair of the Governing Body
  • Mrs M Hopper - Foundation Governor
  • Fr. Michael - Foundation Governor
  • Mr I Hamilton - Foundation Governor
  • Mrs D Heath - Foundation Governor and Vice Chair of the Governing Body
  • Mrs I Haywood - Foundation Governor
  • Mrs S Farnworth - Associate Governor
  • Mrs N Jones - Parent Governor
  • Mrs L Everard -  Parent Governor
  • Mr J Hutton - Local Authority Governor
  • Mrs L Kesseler - Staff Governor
  • Mrs S Colloff -  Acting Head Teacher

Click here to see our Governing Body 2023/24
Click here to view our Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2023/24
Click here to view the Register of Pecuniary Interests 2023/24
Click here to view Attendance Register 2023/24

Minutes - Full Governing Body

Please find a copy of the Full Governing Body minutes:

Spring 2024
Autumn 2023
Summer 2023
Spring 2023
March 2022